You can easily protect outdoor lamp posts with simple steps. First, make sure the area is level and free of debris. Next, use a posthole digger to dig a hole eighteen to twenty-four inches deep. If you're unsure of the proper depth, consult the manufacturer's guidelines.

Lampposts need a stable footing, but the ground itself won't always cooperate with this. Rains, frosts and droughts can cause the soil underneath to shift. In order to create a stable footing, place 16 inches of concrete around the post. Then, place the post into the concrete about 12 inches deep. Dig deeper if necessary, or line the hole with gravel to provide added stability.
Outdoor lamp posts are still very useful for landscape lighting. Not only do they provide illumination for the landscape, but they also keep drivers and pedestrians safe during the dark hours. Moreover, these lights are also a great alternative to harsher floodlights. If you have a small yard, you can place a few miniature outdoor lamp posts strategically throughout your landscape.